What are the Advantages of Using Spouted Stand Up Pouches?

It's about time. Major players in the food and beverage market have realized the tremendous competitive and financial advantages of flexible packaging for food and beverages, which now comprehensively outperforms rigid packaging. The research on flexible packaging is clear at a glance.


For example, a new analysis by the Freedonia Group (reported on August 13, 2021) found that flexible packaging will continue to expand its share of the frozen meat, poultry and seafood markets for a number of reasons. These include an expected 4.1% increase in demand through 2024-more than the growth in demand for rigid packaging-as well as advantages such as cost effectiveness, lighter weight, better protection and individual portion sizes.

Grand View Research separately forecasts that stand-up pouches will have a 65.7% market share in the flexible packaging market by 2025. Here are some thought-provoking highlights from their analysis of flexible packaging and the companion analysis of Wordpress.


"Pouches are increasingly favored by packaged beverage manufacturers such as mineral water, milk and soft drinks (non-carbonated)"


"Food and beverage product manufacturers prefer to use stand-up pouches to differentiate their brands and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace"


"The food and beverages segment is expected to register the fastest growth during the forecast period"


Why now? What has changed? How are stand-up pouches with spouts revolutionizing beverage and liquid packaging that previously used hard bottles, cans, jars and tins? The study points to a number of game-changing benefits that have led to pouches now outpacing the old rigid packaging. Here's what the study had to say.

"Less waste and easier to process."

Compared to rigid bottles and cans, landfill waste is much less with spouted pouch packaging. Flat processing means no air in the container taking up unnecessary space. Most importantly, bags with mouths are easy to recycle and process - in many cases more easily than rigid containers.


"Easy to manufacture"

Compared to rigid plastic bottles, producing a vertical bag with a spout requires 60% less plastic and 50% less energy to produce. Even after manufacturing, the net carbon impact of the production process is less because the bags are lighter and flatter, so they can be easily transported and stored in smaller spaces (up to 95% less space for transport and storage).

Stand Up Pouches With Spouts

Stand Up Pouches With Spouts

"Huge demand for the product"

Stand-up pouches with spouts offer the incredible convenience and efficiency that consumers love. For example, while rigid containers can trap 6% to 14% of product in the package, stand-up pouches can almost completely drain product (up to 99.5%). They're good value for money, and your packaging is helping them. Flexible pouch packaging, once seen primarily overseas, is now in high demand in the U.S. because of its ease of use, shipping and disposal.


"Make their brand stand out"/"Gain a competitive advantage"

Brands have realized how much opportunity there is to differentiate themselves from competitors who have become slaves to the status quo. While everyone else is putting bottles or water bottles on the shelf, your brand can easily and immediately stand out with unique and innovative flexible spouted pouch packaging.


There are more printable surfaces to enjoy and more room for attention-grabbing branding, graphics and messaging. Stand-up pouches cost significantly less to produce, ship and store, attract consumers and even keep more of your products on the shelf. It's a win-win.


As the food and beverage industry moves toward a better way of doing things. Stand-up pouches are ready to help you find the right flexible packaging solution for your needs, and stand-up pouches with spouts (or twist caps, taps, nozzles and other options) can be used to sample, test and utilize your own products.



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